In order to provide Engineering and Technological Education facility at the door steps of the people of interior Sindh, a scheme entitled establishment of Engineering College, Larkano was approved during the PDWP meeting of Government of Sindh held on 25.05.2009. To cater the needs of the upper region of Sindh, accordingly, a constituent College of Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology was established named Quaid-e-Awam University College of Engineering Science & Technology (QUCEST), Larkano, in the year 2009 with first intake starting from January 2010.

Initially, Engineering College is established in Government Home Economics College Larkano. The Buildings were acquired from Government of Sindh Education and Literacy Department. These buildings provide adequate space to establish administrative infrastructure, Class rooms and the required Laboratories to conduct the classes.

About 350 Acres of land was acquired from Govt. of Sindh in Larkano at Moen-jo-Daro road near Areeja to establish spacious infrastructure of the college and that will be initiated as soon as all required resources are made available.

First enrolled Batch (10-Batch) has completed degree programme in the end of December-2013, and same has been accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council. College offers the Bachelor of Engineering Program in following four disciplines.

1. Civil Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
4. Electronic Engineering