Department of Civil Engineering



The department of Civil Engineering offers a four-year (8-terms) Programme leading to degree of Bachelor of Civil Engineering. These programmes have been designed, considering all the needs and aspects of the latest trends in the field of Civil Engineering.
These Programmes include the teaching of courses adequately supplemented with the practical hands-on training in laboratories and use of other modern ways in imparting professional education that is useful for good engineers. Graduates of Civil Engineering can find numerous placements in both public as well as private sector organizations and eligible to pursue higher studies & training as worldwide Universities/Industries


(Fall-24 & onward Batch)

Scheme of Studies for Bachelor of Civil Engineering Curriculum
First Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs
1 CE-107 Civil Engineering Materials 2 1 3
2 CE-103 Engineering Drawing 1 1 2
3 NS-101 Quantitative Reasoning-I 3 0 3
4 NS-109 Applied Physics & Electro Mechanical Engineering 2 1 3
5 HS-102 Functional English 3 0 3
6 CS-131 Applications of Information and Communication

Technologies (ICT)







Total 13 4 17
Second Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs.
1 CE-121 Engineering Surveying 2 1 3
2 CE-123 Civil Engineering Drawing & AutoCAD 1 2 3
3 HS-111 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2 0 2
4 NS-102 Quantitative Reasoning-II 3 0 3
5 HS 104 Pakistan studies 2 0 2
6 CE-127 Geology for Engineers 1 0 1
7 CE-126 Engineering Mechanics 2 1 3
Total 13 4 17
Third Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs
1 CE 212 Advanced Engineering Surveying 2 1 3
2 HS Arts and Humanities Elective* 2 0 2
3 CE 214 Mechanics of Solids-I 2 1 3
4 NS 204 Applied Calculus 3 0 3
5 CE 216 Theory of Structures 2 0 2
6 CS-203 Computer Programming 2 1 3
7 Survey Camp - - ***NC
Total 13 3 16
Fourth Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs
1 CE 227 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics 3 1 4
2 NS 205 Applied Mathematics 2 0 2
3 CE 223 Construction Engineering 2 0 2
4 CE 225 Mechanics of Solids-II 2 0 2
5 CE 228 Structural Analysis 3 0 3
6 CE 226 Concrete Technology 2 1 3
7 HS 306 Civics and Community Engagement 2 0 2
Community Services - - ***NC
Total 16 2 18
Fifth Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs.
1 NS 303 Numerical Analysis 3 0 3
2 HS 301 Expository Writing 3 0 3
3 CE 317 Reinforced Concrete Design-I 3 0 3
4 CE 313 Railways & Waterways Engineering 2 0 2
5 CE 315 Applied Hydraulics 2 1 3
6 CE 319 Geometric Design of Highways & Airports 2 0 2
7 CE 310 Geoinformatics 0 2 2
Internship (6-8 weeks) Mandatory Qualifying - - ***NC
Total 15 3 18
Sixth Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs.
1 CE 328 Soil Mechanics 3 1 4
2 CE 326 Environmental Engineering-I 2 1 3
3 CE 329 Reinforced Concrete Design-II 2 1 4
4 CE 324 Quantity Surveying & Cost Estimation 3 0 3
5 CE 322 Modeling & Simulation 0 2 2
6 CE 321 Engineering Hydrology 2 0 2
Total 12 5 17
Seventh Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs
1 CE 407 Irrigation & Drainage Engineering 3 1 4
2 CE 413 Traffic Engineering & Pavement Design 2 1 3
3 CE 411 Steel Structures 2 0 2
4 CE 419 Foundation Engineering 2 0 2
5 CE 416 Environmental Engineering-II 2 0 2
6 SS Social Science Elective** 2 0 2
7 CE 412 Final Year Design Project-I (FYDP-I) 0 3 3
Total 13 5 18
Eight Semester


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Th Lab Total Cr. Hrs
1 CE-428 FYDP-II 0 3 3
2 CE-425 Construction Planning & Project Management 3 0 3
3 SS 422 Entrepreneurship 2 0 2
4 CE 421 Geotechnical Engineering 3 1 4
5 MD-455 Occupational Health and Safety 1 0 1
6 MID 426 Architecture & Town Planning 2 0 2
Total 11 4 15


Total Credit hours = 136 Hrs.                                                          

(Minimum 130 Hrs. and Maximum 136 Hrs. is advised by the policy provided by HEC, Pakistan Engineering Council to implement a uniform system).

Total Credit Hours = 17 + 17 + 16+ 18 + 18 + 17 + 18+ 15 = 136

Note:*NC (Non-Credit) and will be offered during summer/ Semester Break.


List of Elective Subjects

*Arts & Humanities Elective
S.No Code Course title
1 SS 210 Professional Ethics for Engineers
2 HS 215 Communication and Presentation Skills
**Social Science Elective
S.No Code Course title
1 SS 207 Sociology for Engineers
2 SS 211 Human Resource Management
3 SS 203 Engineering Economics
4 SS 210 Engineering Law

Grading System